Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

June 28, 2024

Google Blogger's Future: Stagnation to Subscription?

The tech landscape has seen rapid advancements from 2020 to mid-2024. Innovations in AI, machine learning, and web development have transformed user experiences and business operations. However, amidst these changes, Google Blogger, a once-popular blogging platform, has remained relatively stagnant. This lack of major updates and features has raised concerns among its users. With Google's growing silence, there’s speculation that the platform might transition to a subscription-based model, fundamentally altering its accessibility and appeal.

Tech Advancements and Blogger’s Stagnation
In recent years, the tech world has experienced a whirlwind of innovation. From AI-driven content creation tools to immersive VR experiences, the advancements have been nothing short of revolutionary. Major platforms have continuously evolved, introducing new features to enhance user experience and engagement.
  • Significant Tech Innovations: Platforms like WordPress and Medium have embraced new technologies, offering seamless integrations with AI tools, enhanced SEO features, and customizable templates that cater to both novice and experienced bloggers.
  • Blogger’s Static Nature: In stark contrast, Google Blogger has seen minimal changes. The interface remains outdated, and the features are rudimentary compared to its competitors. This static nature has left many users longing for improvements.
  • Impact on User Experience: The lack of updates has made it difficult for users to keep up with modern blogging standards. Features like mobile responsiveness, advanced analytics, and integrated social media sharing are either absent or poorly implemented on Blogger.
  • Growing User Frustration: As a result, many bloggers have started to migrate to other platforms. The frustration is palpable in various online forums and communities, where users express their disappointment and seek alternatives.
Google Blogger's Future: Stagnation to Subscription?
Implications of Google's Silence
Google’s silence on Blogger’s future is deafening. While the tech giant has been vocal about other products and services, Blogger seems to have been left in the shadows.
  • Significance of Google's Quiet Stance: This silence could indicate a lack of priority or strategic focus on the platform. Unlike other Google services that receive regular updates and attention, Blogger appears to be a low-priority project.
  • Potential Reasons for Stagnation: Various speculations exist about the reasons behind this stagnation. Some believe Google is focusing on more lucrative ventures, while others think the company might be planning a significant overhaul or rebranding.
  • Speculations About Blogger’s Future: Without clear communication from Google, the future of Blogger remains uncertain. Some industry experts predict that Google might eventually phase out the platform or integrate it with another service.
  • User Sentiment and Market Trends: User sentiment towards Blogger has been increasingly negative. Market trends show a preference for platforms that offer robust features and regular updates, something Blogger currently lacks.
The Shift to a Subscription Model
With the rise of subscription-based services, there’s a growing belief that Blogger might follow suit. Subscription models have become the norm for many digital services, offering companies a steady revenue stream and users premium features.
  • Trends in Subscription-Based Services: From streaming platforms like Netflix to software like Adobe Creative Cloud, subscription models have proven successful. They offer users access to exclusive features, continuous updates, and dedicated support.
  • Benefits for Google: Transitioning Blogger to a subscription model could benefit Google financially. It would allow the company to invest in better features and updates, potentially revitalizing the platform.
  • Possible User Reactions: However, this shift might not be well-received by all users. Many long-time Blogger users appreciate the platform’s free accessibility. A subscription model could alienate these users and push them towards other free alternatives.
  • Predictions for Blogger’s Evolution: If Blogger does move to a subscription model, we might see a tiered approach. Basic features could remain free, while advanced tools and support come with a cost. This approach could balance user retention and revenue generation.
In summary, Google Blogger’s future hangs in the balance. The platform’s stagnation amidst rapid tech advancements raises concerns about its viability. Google’s silence only fuels speculation about a potential shift to a subscription model. While this could bring much-needed updates, it might also alienate long-time users. As we wait for clearer signals from Google, it’s crucial for bloggers to stay informed and consider exploring other platforms to meet their needs.

April 22, 2024

Apple's 5GB Cloud Betrayal: A Disheartening Reality

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, trust is a valuable commodity, cherished by consumers who rely on leading tech giants to prioritize their needs. However, for loyal fans of Apple, a sense of betrayal lingers in the air, stemming from the company's decision to offer a mere 5GB of cloud storage to its users. As data usage surges and technological advancements redefine our digital experiences, Apple's refusal to provide adequate cloud storage options feels like a stab in the back. Join us as we delve into the implications of Apple's 5GB cloud storage betrayal and explore the repercussions for its loyal user base.

Apple's 5GB Dilemma: 
Despite its reputation for innovation and user-centric design, Apple's decision to offer a mere 5GB of free cloud storage has left many users feeling betrayed and disillusioned. Let's explore the ramifications of this limitation and its impact on Apple's loyal fanbase:
  • Storage Constraints: The paltry 5GB allocation provided by Apple's iCloud service is woefully inadequate for modern-day storage needs, forcing users to constantly manage and prioritize their data.
  • Financial Burden: In an era where data is king, Apple's insistence on charging exorbitant fees for additional storage plans feels like a betrayal of its customers' trust, placing an unfair financial burden on loyal users.
  • Closed Ecosystem: Apple's closed ecosystem further exacerbates the issue, as users are unable to seamlessly integrate third-party cloud storage solutions or leverage external storage options to alleviate their storage woes.
  • User Frustration: The frustration and dissatisfaction expressed by Apple users underscore the profound sense of betrayal experienced by consumers who expected more from the tech giant they once revered.
Apple's 5GB Cloud Storage Betrayal: An Unforgivable Act
Users’ demand for reform
As frustrations mount and calls for reform grow louder, Apple faces increasing pressure to address the shortcomings of its iCloud storage offering. Let's examine the implications of this demand for reform and the potential impact on Apple's relationship with its user base:
  • Consumer Advocacy: User advocacy groups and online communities have mobilized to demand fairer storage policies from Apple, highlighting the need for transparency, affordability, and flexibility in cloud storage options.
  • Competitive Landscape: Apple's reluctance to address the issue of limited iCloud storage could alienate its user base and drive consumers toward competing platforms that offer more generous storage allocations at competitive prices.
  • Corporate Responsibility: As a leading tech giant with a loyal global following, Apple has a responsibility to prioritize the needs and concerns of its user base, fostering trust and loyalty through consumer-centric policies and practices.
  • Potential Repercussions: Failure to address the concerns surrounding iCloud storage could tarnish Apple's reputation as a customer-centric company and erode its competitive edge in the fiercely competitive technology market.
At least open alternatives and Solutions: 
While Apple's 5GB storage limitation may seem like an insurmountable obstacle, users have begun seeking Apple to enable alternative solutions to manage their data effectively. Let's explore some viable alternatives to alleviate the burden of limited iCloud storage:
  • External Cloud Storage: Apple should enable limited option for users to utilize external cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive to supplement Apple's iCloud storage and expand data storage options based on the usage.
  • WhatsApp Backup: Enable users to leverage WhatsApp's built-in backup feature to store your chat history and media files directly on your device or external storage solutions, freeing up valuable iCloud space.
  • Application Data Management: Enable users to customize or limit storage usage by manually managing individual application data, deleting unnecessary files, and offloading data to external storage solutions to conserve iCloud space.
  • Selective Backup: Customize your iCloud backup settings to prioritize essential data and exclude non-essential files or applications, maximizing the efficiency of your limited storage allocation.
In conclusion, Apple's decision to offer a mere 5GB of cloud storage to its users represents a profound betrayal of trust and a departure from the user-centric ethos that once defined the company. As data usage continues to soar and technological advancements reshape our digital landscape, the limitations imposed by Apple's iCloud service feel increasingly outdated and out of touch with the needs of its loyal user base. However, by seeking alternatives, advocating for change, and empowering themselves as consumers, Apple users can reclaim control over their data and compel the tech giant to uphold its commitment to innovation, fairness, and user satisfaction.

So, let us stand together and demand better from Apple, ensuring that the needs of its users are prioritized and respected in the ever-changing world of technology.

In this article, we have shed light on the troubling reality of Apple's 5GB cloud storage offering, examining its implications for users and exploring potential alternatives and solutions. By highlighting the rise of data usage, the limitations of Apple's iCloud service, and the importance of consumer empowerment, we aim to inform and empower users to make informed choices and demand accountability from tech companies. With collective action and advocacy, we can hold Apple accountable for its actions and work towards a future where user needs are prioritized and respected in the digital realm.

March 28, 2024


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July 31, 2023

Bridging the Gap: Cross-Platform External Drive Support on MAC

As the proud owner of a MAC device, you revel in the seamless user experience, sleek design, and innovative features that Apple products offer. However, amidst the euphoria of being a MAC user, there's one aspect that causes frustration and inconvenience - the lack of cross-platform support for external drives. While Apple has made remarkable strides in enhancing its proprietary APFS format, it still falls short in providing compatibility with traditional Windows systems and other mobile OS platforms.

Limitations of APFS Format

  • APFS: A Leap Forward for MAC Users - The Apple File System (APFS) was introduced to address the limitations of the aging HFS+ format and enhance data management and security. APFS offers features like space-sharing, native encryption, and improved data integrity, making it a significant upgrade for MAC users.  
  • Missing Link: Cross-Platform Compatibility - However, the Achilles' heel of APFS is its lack of compatibility with non-Apple devices. While MAC users can work seamlessly within their ecosystem, they face obstacles when collaborating with users who rely on Windows systems or other mobile platforms. This limitation poses challenges for data sharing and file exchange, hindering the smooth flow of work across diverse OS environments.

Impact on Diverse Platform Users

  • Frustration of Limited Compatibility: For MAC users who own devices on different platforms or collaborate with users from varied OS environments, the absence of cross-platform external drive support is a major frustration. It forces users to resort to alternate solutions or reformat their external drives, leading to time-consuming workarounds and potential data loss.  
  • A Barrier to Seamless Collaboration: In an interconnected world, collaboration is key to productivity and success. However, the lack of cross-platform support in external drives becomes a barrier to seamless collaboration between MAC users and those using other operating systems. It disrupts workflows, slows down projects, and may even impact deadlines.

Call for Cross-Platform External Drive Support

  • Meeting the Needs of MAC Users: As MAC users demand more flexibility and adaptability in their computing experience, the need for cross-platform external drive support becomes evident. A solution that enables data exchange between MAC devices and Windows or mobile platforms without compatibility issues is essential to meet the evolving needs of modern users.
  • Evolution of APFS: Towards Greater Compatibility - While APFS is a remarkable step forward, Apple has the opportunity to further enhance its file system by enabling cross-platform support for external drives. By incorporating compatibility with traditional Windows formats like NTFS or exFAT, MAC users can seamlessly collaborate with users from diverse OS backgrounds.

In conclusion, the lack of cross-platform support for external drives remains a significant challenge for MAC users. While APFS represents a remarkable advancement in data management for MAC devices, its limitations in compatibility hinder seamless collaboration and data exchange with other OS platforms. By embracing cross-platform external drive support, Apple can empower its users to navigate the diverse landscape of computing with ease and efficiency. As technology evolves, the call for greater compatibility becomes more pronounced, urging tech giants like Apple to break boundaries and create a computing ecosystem that transcends platform limitations.

March 22, 2023

Annoying reality of owning multiple Apple Devices

Apple has always known for its reliable products and durable design, however the dependency on different charging cables required to keep them powered up can be a major source of frustration for their users. From Mag-safe chargers for MacBook's to Lightning cables for iPhones and iPads, it can seem as though a separate cable is needed for each device and additionally unique Apple Watch charger only adds to the problem.
  • Challenge of Cables: Many Apple device owners like me have always been frustrated to the core about this issue: When traveling, we must pack all the necessary charging cables for all Apple device ecosystem. Suddenly, their elegant and streamlined device ecosystem connectivity are surrounded by a snarl of cords and cables, and I am sure Apple could have handled it differently and enabled its users to have trouble-free experience with charging cables.
  • Apple adds woes for its users with new Mag-safe chargers: The company has recently introduced Mag-safe charging for iPhone, which could potentially eliminate the need for multiple cables altogether. However, for now the charger has capability to charge only iPhone and AirPods wirelessly and doesn’t have option to either charge Apple Watch or iPad. Rather than simplification of charging wires or wireless charging option, Apple had complicated even more with the introduction of Mag-safe chargers.
  • Need for Comprehensive revamp: Fortunately, Apple had earlier showcased its Airpower and had singe charging solution at least for at least few of its devices. However, it was scrapped due to its complex design and wireless charging mechanism. Hope Apple revamps their charging solution in its devices and develops a multi-device charging station that can accommodate multiple Apple devices, each with different charging requirements.
As technology advances, we can expect to see even more improvements in charging methods. Wireless charging is increasingly common, and it is conceivable that in the future, cables may not be necessary at all. However, for now, it is important that Apple find ways sooner or later to simplify the cable clutter and make the charging process as simple and stress-free as possible. For more such articles, please feel free to check out "G R Team Sites"

August 5, 2022

How latest iWork update impacts old Mac users

I have been using iWork applications like Numbers, Keynote and Pages applications for my day-to-day personal activities and always felt comfortable for its ease of use and default cross device support. However, apple has stopped support for iWork applications for users still using older Macs and does not have any option to enable backward compatibility feature. I was completely frustrated with these recent announcements from Apple and following are my issues with the latest update for iWork applications. 
  • Lack of Pivot Table and new features support: Most important feature that Apple had introduced in the latest version of the iWork in Numbers is the support for Pivot Table. However, creation and viewing of pivot table is limited only to the latest version and user will not be able to open or access the files updated with the latest features available in Numbers. 
  • Unsupported latest versions of iWork: Another major drawback introduced in the latest version of the Numbers is that users would not be able to view or access the Numbers file created with the latest version or new features of the iWork suite. For example, if you had created a new version of the iWork document on the go with your iPad or iPhone and by mistake you had utilized any latest feature, then the document cannot be accessed or viewed in old MacBook machine. 
It is completely baffling to see Apple withdrawing support of new features to the older version(s) of Mac operating system, as Microsoft were able to continue their dominance in the office suite due to support of new features even to the legacy computer. Hopefully, Apple rethinks its strategy and ensures the legacy MAC operating system or MacBook has access to latest iWork features. To read more such articles, please feel free to check out the “G R Team Sites"

November 13, 2021

Advantage of online Time-machine backups in MAC

Advantage of online Time-machine backups in MAC
The MAC operating system has been the most reliable and ease-of-use operating system for most users, as their settings are simpler and help users to get their work done with simple tasks. However, there was one area where MAC operating system should really improve their capabilities and bring-in their expertise to enable users to backup their laptop through Online. With rise in online cloud storage service providers, most users do not mind spending less money for backing up their important data in cloud. In addition, I wanted to detail few pointers on how online time-machine backup functionality in MAC help users: 
  • Dongle & wire-free: Rather than depending on dongles and wires, users can restore their important files on-the-go through cloud back-ups and immensely helps users traveling frequently during their work-routine. 
  • Reduce dependency on physical hard drive's: By enabling online backup to cloud, it enables users to reduce their dependency on their physical hard drives, lower additional weight, or luggage during travel and accidental damages.
Hope Apple addresses the above concerns and enables online or cloud time-machine backup solution in their operating system. Read more such articles at "G R Team Sites"

September 28, 2021

Replacing broken Mobile Phone screen with duplicate copy and its regrets

Replacing broken Mobile Phone screen with duplicate copy and its regrets

Short recap: 
My wife's mobile screen was broken shortly before the COVID lockdown restrictions and with limited options available, I went to local mobile shop for mobile screen replacement. However, the mobile shop technician had offered cheap mobile screen replacement and had given heads-up that touch sensor would not work due to duplicate screen. With no other options available, I had to agree with the replacement of cracked mobile screen with the duplicate screen and had to let go off the fingerprint scanner.

Impact of screen replacement:
Soon after the screen replacement, I was able to notice the difference between original screen and the replaced duplicate screen, the screen was flickering more than usual and at times the screen would get locked without any action. This was continuing for a while and my wife had to live with this issue, since she had broken the screen due to accidental drop. Few weeks with the duplicate screen, this time my kid dropped the phone and again the screen was broken, and the onus was left on me to lookout for further practical options available. 

Future course of action 
With my wife’s mobile phone screen broken again for second consecutive time and lost trust with duplicate screen options available, I had to either replace entire mobile Phone or check pricing for original screen replacement. To know further about my decision about mobile phone screen replacement, please feel free to check out the articles published in G R Team sites.

August 9, 2021

iPadOS new feature suggestion - Kids user mode

With the new normal and COVID situation, the kids spend most time on electronic device and to avoid damaging their eyesight, I have made my kid to use iPad for online classes and games. However, while my kid was using iPad for daily activities, I felt disappointed while doing the following 
  • Pre-defined brightness levels and lock unnecessary apps: In current iPadOS, when my kid opens the iPad, at once after few minutes the brightness level is increased to the fullest and there is no possibility to lock the brightness levels. Additionally, when my kid opens the iPad, all applications are available to explore and there is no choice to restrict the viewing of kids-only applications. 
  • Protection from unwanted advertisements: Additionally, when my kid was using the gaming applications or learning applications, mostly the app interface is interrupted with unnecessary and irritating advertising videos or banners. There should have been possibility to restrict advertisements in kids’ applications and limit only few advertisements in a day. 
  • In-app purchases: When kid uses gaming applications, they often tend to click buy option or they were always notified of buying added benefits for a certain price. Kids unaware of pricing factor, often requests parents to either buy those things or accidently approves purchases while playing games. There should have been possibility to restrict in-app purchases for kids and can be enabled only if parents approve those in-app visibility possibility. 
  • Restrict Kids user mode for specific time limit: When my kid was using the iPad, I was not able to set time limit for using the iPad and post that time limit, the iPad should be locked and should not open for any activities. Now, when the iPad is locked, my kid gets furious and wants the adult to enter the passcode to bypass the time limit restrictions. 
Hope, Apple brings up kids only user mode in their next iPad OS version and it would be helpful for parents, who were struggling to manage their kids with iPad. If you were looking to read more such articles, please feel free to check out the G R Team Sites.

June 12, 2021

Enhanced must have features in smart watch devices

In the earlier post, I was detailing about few of the advantages of the wearables and its exclusive features, in continuation to that I want to detail some additional features that is forcing me to get the device. 
  • Stress monitoring: In the IT world, the stress is the most underrated topic and most undetected disease among professionals. With wearables having option to monitor stress levels and providing notifications about its extreme level is a must have device for most young professionals. 
  • Notifying user to stand up and walk: With new COVID restrictions, the work from home is here to stay and it will change people work forever. But other problem with work from home is that most professionals work for long hours and even forget to take a break from their routine. Recently launched smart watch wearables have exclusive feature for users by notifying them to take a break from their long working hours by breathing exercise and notify them to take a walk if they sit in same place for a long time. 
With above listed features, the smart watch wearables have become must have device for most people more than their mobile phones. I think this smart watch wearable industry will start to rise multiple times in upcoming years and hope people recognise its importance. For more such posts, please check our G R Team Sites.

April 15, 2021

Affordable online cloud storage choice 

After the shocking announcement from Google that photos backup will be counted against the storage limit, I have started to lookout for alternative options for cloud storage and reliable enough to store personal photos. I have finally decided to go ahead with Microsoft OneDrive’s family plan, as it will not only help me, but also backup all my family’s photos in cloud with the limit of 1TB. Please do not think it as a paid post, the information above and the details in this post are from my personal insights. My preference for selecting Microsoft OneDrive as a contender for online storage is based on the following: 
  • Pricing: OneDrive charges for per GB is exceptionally low compared to other reliable cloud storage providers like Google, Apple & Dropbox 
  • 6 person 1TB limit: Each user gets 1TB limit for cloud storage, which is well sufficient for all family members to back up their photos as well as other cloud documents.  
  • Office access: Most lucrative benefit of choosing Microsoft OneDrive family plan is the FREE license to their premium office tools like word, excel & PowerPoint.      
Readers, will continue to update my personal views about affordable online cloud storage in upcoming posts in “G R Team Sites”

June 28, 2020

Must have features for Mac Pages in 2020

I have been using Pages in my Macbook Pro for a long time and I also use Microsoft applications in Windows for my office work. I think I have credibility of requesting new features and must have features in Pages to take on Microsoft Word. Following were few of my observations and recommendations for improving Pages on par with Microsoft Word. 

  • Grammar Checking: Checking grammar and spelling in Pages is inferior when compared to Grammar checking options in Microsoft Word. The sentence formation and intelligence of highlighting grammar error was far superior in Microsoft Word than in Mac Pages. 
  • Formatting Options: Even though Pages have all formatting options as in Microsoft word, finding it applying the formats to the text is a big pain in the ass. 
  • Mac Pages should either acquire Grammarly or related grammar artificial intelligence tools for better integration and insights on poof reading. 

With absence of new Grammar insight tools from Apple, I personally feel Mac Pages still has long way to catch up Microsoft Word and with new updates for every month on new features, they are still going ahead of Mac Pages. Please follow blog posts from “G R Team Sites” for more such updates.

October 4, 2018

Buying new Macbook pro

After realizing that water had entered into my MacBook Pro motherhood, I was completely devastated and wanted to resolve it as early as possible. Without my beloved MacBook Pro, I felt something was missing in my daily life and my colleagues would comment that I got addicted to my laptop. However, I was worried about the data, the cost to repair the laptop and finding alternative solution. It was all because of the fact that I felt comfortable in Mac operating system due its security, coziness, and attention to each detail across different applications. So, I was looking to repair my MacBook Pro at any cost and tried different service vendors in my location. But to my disappointment not even one service expert was ready to fix the laptop or not even a reliable solution was suggested by them. After so much of struggle by visiting all service experts with no solution ahead, I decided to call it quits and decided to go with option such as, whether I am getting new MacBook Pro or switching forever to affordable Windows machine. Continue reading at “G R Team sites” listed in the right Side of this site.

September 16, 2018

Help to get Access remote PC

Our world has undergone a massive technological development in recent years.Everything in this world apart from humans have improved a lot due to the advancement in technology.Internet is one of the most important technological development which has been a boon to the human beings.With the advent of Internet everything changed in our world.One of the biggest change was experienced in communication.Earlier people used telephone, letters and telegraph to contact people, the electronic mail or the e-mail which can sent to anyone across the world using Internet, replaced the old facets of communication mentioned above.Nowadays, everything can be done using Internet.From buying vegetables to booking airline tickets, you can do anything with Internet.Virtually, there is nothing which cannot be done using Internet.One of the biggest advantages of the Internet, is the Remote Access service from of us have computers in home and we use it daily for various kinds of purposes.The remotepc helps us to access our computer from anywhere in the world.You can access your computer with another computer or else you can even from a mobile device with Internet access.You can do everything normally as you do in your computer.It is a wonderful program which helps me to access my home computer from anywhere in this world and it is very secure.Friends, this service is very reasonable for just $4.95/month for home PCs and $49.50/month for 25 PCs for business usage.

August 13, 2018

Become an iPhone Developer

A mobile phone has become one of the most essential gadgets in a man's life.No one in this entire world would have believed that one day people from all walks of life will be using a mobile phone in the twenty first century.When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the nineteenth century, he himself would not have thought of this massive revolution of the mobile phones.One cannot imagine life without mobile phones in today's world.People in all developing and developed countries make use of these wonderful communication device.As the telephone technology improved from wired to wireless in the last couple of decades, the mobile handset has also undergone a tremendous change.In the starting stages, people were using the mobile phone only for communication purpose but nowadays the mobile phone comes with lots of features such as camera, GPS and gaming.Handsets sporting these kinds of features are available in plenty all over the world.One of the wonderful phone to hit the stores in this decade was the iPhone from Apple.The iPhone has lots of feature built inside itself but there are large number of iPhone application developers who are developing lots of iPhone applications day by day.Friends, if you are also one of the enthusiastic iPhone users who are trying to develop new applications just register with the iPhone developer now.

June 30, 2018

Protect PC from Virus

Computers are everywhere in this world.Computers are fast becoming indispensable for human beings.Computers are used for all kinds of purposes.Right from a young kid to an old grandfather every one use computers for a purpose.It is more than 100% true that computers have replaced man in certain industries.In the olden days men had to do all kinds of works but nowadays you can program the computer and make it to do any kind of work you want.Along with the advantages of the computer there are also lots of disadvantages available.One of the major disadvantages is the prevalence of virus attacks on computers which has been going on for decades.Though people create new anti virus programs to counter the effect of viruses in a computer, the viruses are also getting more and more sophisticated day by day.The viruses are not created automatically.They are created by unscrupulous computer criminals who want destroy your computer in order to steal the confidential data present in your computer and to wreck havoc in your computer.Due to the advent of Internet technology and people using Internet for banking and ordering products.A virus attack can easily steal your bank account information and it can be used fraudulently.The only option to prevent the virus attack is to use an anti virus protection on your computer which will protect your computer from viruses. Friends, if you don't have an anti virus protection in your computer you can use the free Antivirus download from, which will protect your computer from the deadly viruses.

October 28, 2017

Help with Anti-Virus Software

Internet is one of the most important inventions of the 21st century.The use of Internet all over the world has gained a lot of proportions.Along with its usage there is also a lot of problems cropping up from the Internet.One of the major problems while using the Internet is the virus attacks.Viruses are deadly programs which multiplies in an affected computer and crashes the entire computer.While using the Internet one must ensure that the computer which is being used to access the Internet is fully protected by an anti virus software.There are a lot of anti virus softwares available in the market but the best anti virus software is the NOD32 which protects your computer from all kinds of viruses.You can read the Eset NOD32 Antivirus 4 review which will give you a detailed explanation of it advantages.You can also read the articles about how the viruses attack your computer and how you can get rid of them.

August 19, 2017

Help with Remote Software

If you were looking to improve your business process or looking for efficient technical feature for your company, then remote control software from best network would be the smart option. You may have known wide ranges of online networks out there in the web that offers remote control software for users. But most online networks out there in the market lack quality of technical features and feasibility offered to users. So, make sure that you check out best online network like for quality remote control software. The is one of the stand-alone online networks available in market that offers high quality remote control software for users. The Proxy Pro 7 software from online network has unique features like that the software allows users to control or access another computer via internet for various purposes such as for troubleshooting, accessing files or data or collaborating with your work team. The other high quality and unique feature of the Proxy Pro 7 Software from online network is that the software offers 256-bit encryption – the highest in its class. The remote control software from would be smart and best option for business people who are looking to add new remote software for their business.

July 9, 2017

Information about Cloud Computing

Technology powerhouse IBM recently released the results of a technology-trend survey conducted with 2,000 international technology industry insiders. The survey revealed those with job skills in mobile t​echnolog​ies​ and cloud computing will be the most desirable candidates in the future job market. Though we are all somewhat familiar with mobile technology through our constant cell phone use, cloud computing, also known as Internet-based computing, is foreign concept to many people.

The concept is actually quite simple: cloud computing stores information on the Internet, rather than a network or desktop system. Cloud computing works like an electricity grid; it provides information, software and other resources to computers and mobile devices as you need them. This shift is a direct result of our need for easy access from a variety of computer and mobile devices. This model allows users to access their information anywhere in the world using software on devices with Internet access. Another key benefit of Internet-based computing is the ease of customisation, allowing the user to define their own experience, tailoring it to suit their needs.

The remote cloud helps users improve agility and productivity on the go, offering independence that no other structure has been able to provide businesses. Applications and software are also easier to maintain through the cloud structure, as there is no need for software installation on individual computers. One of the most desirable benefits of cloud computing is cost; it can be a more affordable option than computer network systems, especially for large companies with employees in multiple office locations

April 29, 2017

Network Monitoring Help

Remote Computer Monitoring System (Network monitor), is a PC monitoring program to secretly monitor and record user's activities on computer with the complete configurations of a particular Computer, and it is completely legal. This powerful tool allows you to record keystrokes, e-mails, online conversation, password, Web site, and take screen snapshots at intervals like a surveillance camera. This software include important feature of Active Directory Service which include properties of User, Groups and Service in the server. The entire details such as information about Disk, Mouse, Keyboard, Display, Version of Operating System, Processor and Memory of all systems are got using a Remote machine in a network. This software includes another feature of Traffic analyzer to analyze the incoming and outgoing packets and extract the data from those packets. The Client-Server concept is used to describe the Network Administrator. The server is the listening state and in the Client side, the controller Dialog box is connected with Server. In this way, the system is controlled. This is not like other similar products sold in split package, our solution is a complete package with all above components! And with a extremely user-friendly setting interface, it can be easily configured to fit all your investigation and detective purposes.